AMLO affirms that he already has a ‘Plan C’ in electoral matters

Tuesday 28 March, 2023
2 mins read
AMLO affirms that he already has a ‘Plan C’ in electoral matters


Given the suspension of “Plan B” in electoral matters by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that he already has a “Plan C” in case the previous one is rejected, consisting of asking for the vote massive by the so-called “Fourth Transformation” and not by the “conservative bloc”.

In his morning conference this Monday, the President pointed out that Minister Javier Laynez Potisek “exceeded” by admitting for processing the constitutional controversy lawsuit filed by the National Electoral Institute against the decree published on March 2 in the Official Gazette of the Federation, by which various provisions of the General Law of Electoral Institutions and Procedures, of the General Law of Political Parties, of the Organic Law of the Judiciary of the Federation are amended, and the General Law of the Media is issued. Challenge in Electoral Matters.

“It is thought that this minister overstepped, exceeded himself, and then he becomes, in fact, the Legislative Power, because the decision made by the deputies and senators annuls it. He may have interpreted the laws, the Constitution, but in reality that was what he did, ”he maintained.

“The important thing is to know why they act like this. I think the majority knows that it is not a legal matter, it is a political matter and I would say: commercial. What they do not want is for the law not to be approved, what they do not want is for the salaries of senior INE officials to be reduced. That’s what it all comes down to. That is what ‘The INE is not touched’”.

“And just as this minister did, I don’t know if he himself, or someone else, began to grant protections so that these officials of supposedly autonomous organizations, which are autonomous from the people but not from economic and political power. Well, the same ministers of the Court violate the law, they earn more than the President, deep down what they don’t want is for their salaries to be reduced.

“We are going to continue through the legal path and if in the end they reject the electoral law so that there is a democracy and not an oligarchy, not a government of the powerful, with their achichincles, spokesmen, organic intellectuals, and many people with conservative thinking to whom we respect a lot, that is the substance of the debate.

“We are going to continue through the legal route and if in the end they reject the reform that we are proposing, there is a ‘Plan C’, that they are not thinking that everything is over: that they do not vote for the Conservatives, not one vote for the Conservatives, yes to transformation

“That is ‘Plan C’, we already applied that in the [20]18 it was the people who said enough was enough, and the transformation began, to put an end to corruption, which is the country’s main problem, and we have come a long way, cleaning the government of corruption, from top to bottom, like the stairs.

“But how is this transformation taking place? Respecting the division of powers. Before, what existed was a simulated Republic where a minority ruled in México. When had you ever seen a law against the president rejected in the Judiciary, in the Supreme Court?

“Now ‘Plan C’ is going to be like this: fight, fight, fight, don’t stop fighting, for a workers’, peasants’, and popular government,” the President pointed out.

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Source: from Noroeste Nacional on 2023-03-27 08:44:28

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