This year, the Mazatlán fishing fleet has seen a significant decrease in the number of vessels participating in the shrimp harvesting season. According to Jesús Omar Lizárraga Manjarrez, president of the Union of Shipowners of the Pacific Coast, only 170 ships managed to set sail, while more than 300 remained moored at the docks of the Alfredo B. Bonfil park due to the lack of government support.
Lack of subsidies affects the fishing sector
Lizárraga Manjarrez explained that, unlike other years where mechanical problems or adverse weather conditions prevented vessels from going out to sea, this time it was the lack of subsidies and support programs that has affected the operational capacity of the shrimp fleet. Subsidies that previously helped cover the costs of marine diesel and other inputs needed by vessels are no longer available, leaving more than half of the fishing fleet on the docks.
“There are a little more than 300 boats that could not go fishing, derived from the problem that we have known for more than five years, due to the lack of support from the different programs that previously existed,” said the leader. .
A constant challenge for fishermen
The lack of this support is not a new problem for the fishing sector, which has been facing financial challenges for years. Without subsidies that allowed the purchase of fuel and other essential supplies, many shipowners find it impossible to launch their vessels for the fishing season. This not only affects fishing production, but also the livelihood of hundreds of families that depend on this activity in Mazatlán.
Hope in the first reports of the season
Despite this difficult outlook, Lizárraga Manjarrez highlighted that no mechanical failures have been reported in the vessels that did manage to set sail, which is a positive sign. In addition, the fishing sector is awaiting the first reports of the work week to evaluate how the shrimp capture season could develop this year.
A call for solutions
The situation facing Mazatlán’s fishing industry underscores the need to find solutions that allow fishermen to continue their work in a sustainable manner. Despite the challenges, shipowners remain hopeful that support and subsidies will be restored that will allow the fleet to be activated again and guarantee a productive season in the future.
Source: Redaccion from PMX Portal on 2024-10-23 15:53:00